How I met Swedie: A love story
I can't believe it. Today marks nine years since that fateful night that Swedie and I met. It wasn't supposed to happen. It never is. That was especially true in our case. There is this thing called the Atlantic Ocean that sits between our countries. How could it work? How could we even meet? I was stationed in Turkey in 2005. With my job at the control tower, I was unable to take the normal holiday trips that everyone went on when long weekends came up (Memorial Day, Independence Day, etc.). We would end up taking trips together whenever the runway got it's annual work done on it. Not as fun as going three buses deep to a party city in Turkey. I would hear the crazy stories of the parties and European girls. That's right. EUROPEAN girls! I got deployed to Iraq at the beginning of 2005. I came back just before Memorial Day weekend. When you come back you get two weeks of R&R. This...