Eating on Public Transportation
Eating on public transportation makes me feel guilty somehow. I don't know what it is. It's my food. There's no rule against it. Something about it makes me feel rude or something. Once I was taking a very short flight in North Carolina. The plane was a very small plane that barely had room in the cabin for carry-on luggage. I firmly believe that there is a rule in the universe that mandates that I sit next to an obese person in a situation like this. I looked at my ticket... F4... F4. I scanned the plane and saw a woman in one and a half seats. I knew the half was F4. This was a short layover. I had hurriedly stopped by Burger King on my way to my gate. I didn't have time to eat it, but whatever, I'd eat on the flight. I counted the rows as I approached the half seat. I hoped there was a number between 3 and 4 that I hadn't ever learned about. There wasn't. I was in the half seat next to ...