One Year of Fatherhood: Happy Birthday Bash!!!

Well well well.  I made it through Year One!  I know there's a long way to go before I fire up the victory band, but still I'm glad to get that first year under my belt.  Just think, a year ago today I was freaking out about this little being that was stubbornly delaying his entrance into the world.  A year ago I didn't have the slightest idea what Sebastian or Evan or Dylan would look like!  I must say I got lucky.  We got lucky.  We got "Bash" and boy has he been a joy.

There have only been a handful of nights that Bash has been cranky and screaming.  His demeanor thus far has been perfect for beginner parents.  It's like he knew what it would take to make life easier and he did just that.  We've been told that he has a "quiet cry".  To us it's a scream, but to other people it's like "That's it?"  Man, we hit the jackpot.

Fatherhood has taught me a lot about myself.  I remember when we bought Jasper and I caught myself staring at his little puppy body and wondering how is it that I love this animal that I bought out of a box of other cute animals a half an hour ago when I don't know a thing about it.  I thought that was the height of "paternal wonderment".  I've found that height now.  Bash has propelled me to a level of happiness that I couldn't imagine before him.  I have this burning sense of love and need for him that I really can't describe.  He looks at me and doesn't even know how important he is to me, but I don't even care.  And even though I know that one day he'll probably scream that he hates me right before slamming his bedroom door I don't even care.  I am here for him.  I will love him and protect him with all of me for as long as I am physically able.

I've learned a bit about Bash this year too. That little guy is going to be a charmer.  He flashes that winning smile like he's been through intense media training in a past life or something.  He's friendly and I think he's going to be funny.  Those few moments that he is sad (after a fall, vaccination time, sick, etc.), I find it easy to cheer him up.  He wants to be in a good mood and I LOVE that about my son.

I feel like he'll be strong and tough.  I don't want to sound like a neanderthal or anything, but I had no plans on raising a weak kid (male or female).  I don't think that's going to be a problem with Bash.  He slings his big toys around with one arm and I rarely see him drop anything.  I've watched him take things from shelves at his eye level and control them the entire way off the shelf.  Go Bash!  I just stare at my boy with pride beaming through my smile.

It's been fun watching him walk around lately.  It's been two months since his first steps and now Bash only crawls if he needs to.  He's still uncertain on grass, but any flat surface and he's on the move with the best of them!  I get a kick out of him changing directions and judging distance correctly.  It's amazing how rapidly he's learning about the world.  I'm so thankful that I've gotten to spend so much time in this first year with him.

Year One has been full of surprises and fear and excitement and anxiety.  I'm so glad that Bash is in my world now.  He's made my life better and my strong marriage even stronger.  I love that little guy and I can't wait to get started on Year Two.  Happy Birthday Bash!  Until next time...


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